I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 06/14

Happy Friday, EOD Nation!

A strange thing happened to me during the week.  Before the last payment to our debt management program, we had 11 months left.  So naturally I thought after the funds from May’s payment were distributed to our creditors there would be 10 months remaining.  To my surprise the program tracker now says there are  NINE months remaining.   If that’s accurate, that means our DMP would be complete in February of next year!!!

If that doesn’t get you fist pumping, I know what will, check out my favorite posts of the week:

Posts That Make Me Fist Pump

Shameless Self Promotion

Kick Ass Giveaways


About Travis

12 Responses to “I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 06/14”

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  1. Slackerjo says:

    I read Ken Ilgunas’ book Walden of Wheels and it’s a lot of fun. You can enjoy the adventure but from the safety of your couch!

  2. Thanks for the mention (or fist pump!), I really appreciate it! Looks like I got a few new posts that I need to get caught up on. 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  3. Great reads! Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  4. I agree! finding out that you have fewer payments on something than you thought you did is like finding free money. Good job sticking with the repayment plan!

  5. Congrats, Travis – that is SO awesome!!! I loved the Duke grad story too. I have to say though, that the kids we’re a bit scared when I shared that one with them. They were worried I’d gone over the edge as far as debt payoff and that we’d be searching Craigslist for our own van. 🙂

  6. Keren says:

    I cannot wait to go through these sites! Thanks for the list!

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