3 Expensive Procedures that Can Actually Save you Money


When we think of procedures, especially cosmetic ones, the first words that come to mind are “frivolous,” “unnecessary,” and “expensive”. However, some of these seemingly costly procedures can actually be a money saver in the long run. They have to be seen as investments which might have a high price tag upfront but eliminate other costs that we are currently paying or will pay in the future. Here are a few examples of procedures which might be worth your consideration. Your health and your wallet will thank you.

Laser Eye Surgery

Laser Eye Surgery has become a quite common procedure in the last few years, with competing clinics opening up and driving the price down. The cost per eye is variable, depending on the technology used and the eye’s condition and needs, but can range from $500- $2000 per eye. Most clinics include life-long maintenance and warranty in this price, which means that you will never have to pay any more costs apart from what you have already dedicated to the procedure. Though expensive, think about how much you pay for your glasses and/or contact lenses (don’t forget the storage solution) every year, or every two years. Now multiply this times a lifetime! Do you still find that laser eye surgery is a more expensive alternative? And this doesn’t include the ease of not having to worry about glasses, contact lenses, or their replacements!

Intensive Pulsed Light Acne Therapy

Acne is more than just a skin condition. It is the root of many people’s insecurities and lack of confidence which has resulted in an industry full of magic creams, thick makeup, and beautifying solutions. However, much of this is a marketing ploy and doesn’t actually treat the underlying causes of acne, which vary from person to person. IPL treatment for acne scarring is a very effective procedure, though initially more expensive than a facewash or over the counter cream. However, it eliminates the use of potentially harmful antibiotics and over the long term, frees the client from the financial and emotional stress of looking for ways to hide their acne and resulting scars. Think of all the washes, the pills, the creams and the makeup that you can stop buying and will stop cluttering your washroom counter. That doesn’t even include the priceless feeling of being free from a skin condition which takes a toll on the emotional wellbeing of a person.


Getting braces is much more than just about having a great smile. Sure, it is a gratifying result after years of treatment, but it comes down to much more than that. Orthodontics align your teeth so that they are as effective as possible and have minimal wear over the years. Having an aligned set of teeth ensures that you are chewing properly, not grinding your teeth unnecessarily and minimizing the chance of them impacting one another in a crowded environment. Braces are a commitment, both financially and in terms of time, but can mitigate other dental problems down that road- problems which can be both more painful and more expensive than this relatively easy way of ensuring dental and oral health. Additionally, the side effect of a perfect smile and beautiful, straight teeth is nothing to scoff at.

So before you immediately dismiss a costly “procedure” that your doctor or dentist might recommend, do the math for yourself. Is it worth it? You might be surprised with the answer. Though not the case with everything, some of these “cosmetic” fixes might have greater results and benefits than at first glance and could make financial sense for you.

photo credit: Smile via photopin (license)

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