Are You Looking To Improve Yourself In 2010? Accept My Challenge And You Could Win $100!


The New Year Is Approaching Fast, Are You Ready For Real Change?

Would you like to improve yourself in 2010 and have fun at the same time? I do, which is why I decided to join the Improve Yourself! 2010 8 Week Challenge. Dustin over at Engaged Marriage is a great friend, and the guy with the master plan to help you, me, and whoever else wants to, accomplish our resolutions for 2010. (details below)

Special Enemy of Debt Challenge and Giveaway!!

As someone who believes wholeheartedly in setting goals, which is a big part of Enemy of Debt, I challenge you to make an 8 week commitment for 2010! That’s why I am prepared to give away $100 of my own money! Every EOD SUBSCRIBER that goes over there, SIGNS UP, and COMPLETES the 8 week challenge from beginning to end will be eligible to win $100.

IMPORTANT: YOU MUST add “ENEMY OF DEBT sent me!” to your entry comment on the announcement post!! If you do not do this you will not be entered in this special giveaway. YOU MUST actually participate to be eligible! YOU MUST be a current OR new subscriber to be eligible. That’s it! Have I got your attention yet? 😀

Improve Yourself! 2010

Improve Yourself! 2010

Dustin is passionate, inspirational, and very committed to helping you improve yourself and to accomplish some goals that you might otherwise let slip away from you as the new year comes and goes.

This is what he had to say in his announcement post:

“I am excited to announce a little friendly competition that I’ll be holding here at Engaged Marriage as we welcome 2010. As I looked at some of the goals I want to will accomplish in the new year, I was reminded of how easy it is to resolve to improve ourselves on New Year’s Eve and then slowly (or quickly) abandon our plans a couple weeks later. I knew what I needed was some accountability and some encouragement from others who hold themselves to a high standard.”

Be sure to enter by clicking the announcement post link above and leave a comment stating your intention to join. Deadline to enter is January 5th, so do it NOW!

As if just entering the contest to hold yourself accountable and actually improving yourself in 2010 wasn’t enough, he will be giving away prizes too!! Could it get any better? Accountability, community, goals, action, results, and prizes all wrapped up into one glorious package!!

I am very excited about this because quite honestly, just like most of you—I have made plenty of New Year Resolutions where my effort and determination faded faster than a pair of Walmart jeans. (I still buy them though because they are so cheap. $10 cheap!) 😉

Okay…enough babbling from me. Get over there and sign up for real change. As I’ve said many times here, Washington will not improve your life—you have to do it yourself. Now is a good time to start! I will see you there, because I have A LOT of work to do myself!! Be sure to catch my post on Friday where I will be sharing with all of you my comprehensive list of resolutions for the new year. (Fitness, spiritual, personal development, marriage, fatherhood, Enemy of Debt, and career.) You don’t want to miss it!

Go IMPROVE YOURSELF! Not sure what to improve? Since you are here at Enemy of Debt, finances could be a great way to improve yourself and your family, but your options are many. No matter what you chose, resolve to become Extraordinary in 2010!

Are you planning on doing the eight week challenge? Leave a comment here to let me know.

About Brad Chaffee

2 Responses to “Are You Looking To Improve Yourself In 2010? Accept My Challenge And You Could Win $100!”

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  1. Thanks for sharing this, Brad! I look forward to your awesome readers joining up and helping to lift all of us to a new level of success in 2010.

  2. Golda says:

    We hope to build our Emergency Fund up until it is fully funded and then pay off the house…we are paying extra each month already. Murphy is visiting now in the way of a sick parent several states away so we may have to purchase a plane ticket to take care of that. Not planned for…but will pay cash and we did a cash-only Christmas!!! What fun!

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