Brad & J’s 2010 Christmas Stimulus WINNERS!

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Merry Christmas everyone!!4 Days Left!

I am so very happy to announce the winners of Brad & J’s 2010 Christmas Stimulus!! First, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for giving me a reason to continue blogging. It’s because of you that I have been able to do this for almost 3 years now! I NEVER imagined that I would ever have a blog, let alone end up with nearly 1000 subscribers! You ROCK!


In 2010, I added 600 subscribers, and in 2011 I fully intend on stepping up my efforts to make Enemy of Debt an even better debt free resource. I can’t thank you enough for supporting Enemy of Debt! You inspired this very special Christmas Stimulus!


Now for the special announcement of our Christmas Stimulus giveaway! Woohoo!

The winners are:

Matt (Bruce Bucks) – My financial goals for 2011 is to pay off our student loan completely which will make us debt free! I want to get radical on that chunk of debt and get rid of it. The other goal is to have $5,000 in our emergency fund.

Jessica – Financial goals…make some money as I’m unemployed & start paying on my debt as I’m unemployed 🙂

Crystal Hammond – In 2011, I hope to cut what I owe on my car in half. And I hope to rebuild my emergency fund to at least 3 month’s living expenses.

Bria – My goals are: 1) Cut my medical debt in half. I finally had it paid off, and then had to add to it again. 2) Start saving money. I used to do this, but then things got tight and I sucked every last penny out of savings and have not put anything in since. I’d like to have at least a grand sitting there at any point in time.

I want to wish all of you great success in accomplishing your financial goals for 2011!

The truth be told I wish I could have given away $50 to all of you!! That’s not possible yet, but be sure to stick around because I always have something up my sleeve! J Money and I have already discussed the 2011 Christmas Stimulus and we hope to make it bigger and better next year!

Thanks for stopping by! Remember to check out Budgets Are Sexy! Have a very Merry Christmas everybody!

About Brad Chaffee

9 Responses to “Brad & J’s 2010 Christmas Stimulus WINNERS!”

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  1. Congratulations to the winners and to you on your subscribers. Merry Christmas!

  2. Jessica says:

    WHAAAAAT??? I WON?? holy crap!!!! Wow, I’m actually tearing up! This helps me so very much! Thank you!

  3. Briana @ GBR says:

    Congratulations you guys!

  4. Krisitn says:

    congratulations to the winners.

  5. Crystal Hammond says:

    Thank You!!!!! I didn’t get an email from u!

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