Have You Heard About J Money’s Very First Love Drop?

Hey everyone and Happy Monday to you! For all of you enthusiastic Manage Your Money participants, don’t you worry, I will be posting another post a little later. I wanted to post this to help spread the word about my boy J Money’s Love Drop over at Budgets Are Sexy! He has teamed up with Nate from It Starts With Us to bring you the very first Love Drop, where the goal is to help someone close to us in the blogging community who is struggling financially.

If you have an extra $1, $5, $10, or whatever you chose to donate, it would be greatly appreciated! I have already donated myself, and have watched the donations grow to over $400. That is amazing, and I am so proud to be a part of this great cause. Do you want to know what changes lives? Generosity! Sometimes it is hard to imagine that there are so many people out there that are willing to give a little of themselves in order to help someone in need, but it’s true. That’s what this is all about.

Angie is not just a random person or charity. She is having a really rough time right now, and could use a little extra cushion between her and life. Life happens to us all, and I know from experience the benefit that kindness and generosity brings to someone overwhelmed with struggle and financial uncertainty. I have been helped, and all I know is that it placed something on my heart that can never be removed. I have had the desire to “pay if forward” ever since. Giving is a bigger part of my Total Money Makeover than getting out of debt itself.

I simply wanted to bring this great act of kindness to your attention so that you could help if possible. It doesn’t matter how much you give. Every little bit helps, and I assure you this money will make a huge difference for Angie and her family.

So if you have been blessed, and feel you can afford to donate a $1 or more, head on over to Budgets Are Sexy and help us “pay it forward!”.

I want to thank you ahead of time for your generous donations!

About Brad Chaffee

4 Responses to “Have You Heard About J Money’s Very First Love Drop?”

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  1. BibleDebt says:

    Great idea! It is so much better to give than to receive. It is so freeing when you have that ability. Thanks for sharing!

    Also, I just joined the Yakezie Challenge today! I look forward to getting to know everyone in the group just a bit better.

  2. Thanks for spreading the love, Brad! I can tell you that Angie had been VERY touched by all the people reaching out just over the past 3 days, and J. and I are ready and willing to do this for a different person or family every month . . . we’ll take recommendations from our team members and make sure we touch someone that YOU know. Our goal is to use the power of many, many small donations making a big difference when focused on someone who needs it. Micro-giving in action, baby!

  3. J. Money says:

    BRAD! You are awesome bro, THANK YOU so much for passing this along to your readers! This new project of ours is really something close to my heart, and it excites me to know it affects others as well ๐Ÿ™‚ And this is only the beginning! We’ll be droppin’ the love every month, baby. And you can officially call yourself a Love Drop ambassador now ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Thank you for spreading the word about this, Brad. I think it’s awesome!

    And I’m in on the giving.

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