Hello Enemy of Debt Readers

Hello Enemy of Debt readers!! I’m so excited to be a contributor of this site. I’m really looking forward to getting to know all of you. So I thought I’d start off by telling you a little about myself.

My name is Ashley. I’m a work-at-home mother of two. My littlest one is starting Kindergarten this year, which when that happens it will be the first time in 10 years that I don’t have a kid at home with me. I’m kinda freaking out about that. I better see my productivity go through the roof! If not, I’ll have no one to blame but myself. It’s the dawn of a new chapter of my life.

I’ll have so much more time to focus on myself and I’m really looking forward to that. Of course, it’s underscored with a bit of sadness that my babies are growing up.

I have my own site, Money Talks, where I write a personal finance blog and offer financial coaching services. I spend all day every day writing and talking about money, and I love it. It’s what I was put on this earth to do. I’ve been interested in personal finance my whole life. I wake up every morning excited to get to work.

Besides personal finance I also have a passion for small business management. I love small businesses! I’ve run two small businesses of my own, other than what I’m doing now. I’ve owned a house cleaning company and a staffing company for the telecommunications industry. Each one taught me totally different aspects of business. I don’t consider myself an expert for sure, but I learned a lot from those experiences.

Well, I think that’s me. I’m sure you will learn a lot more about me in the weeks and months to come since I tend to over share.You can follow me on twitter or facebook. I’m looking forward to connecting with everyone!

Photo Credit: Nana Photography

About Ashley

2 Responses to “Hello Enemy of Debt Readers”

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  1. Great to learn a bit more about you, Ashley! Looking forward to reading more “Zen-like” tips and advice from you.

    Over share? Isn’t that the definition of social media? he he…..

  2. Brad Chaffee says:

    New life adventures are always fun and exciting! Welcome to the team Ashley! 😀

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