P90X is Doing for my Body, What the Total Money Makeover Did for my Finances

Photo Credit: West Point

I wanted to get out of debt so I BROUGHT IT!! Now I want to lose weight so I’M BRINGING IT!!

What do they have in common? Intensity! It’s about intensity and doing things you wouldn’t “normally do”. It’s not about kind of sort of wanting to lose weight or dump your debt. It’s about sacrifice! It’s about intensity!

If you’re not willing to do either your debt free journey will seem like a trip to the moon, and likewise, if you’re trying to lose weight! Its about dedicated and deliberate action!

When your security and your health are at stake, it’s not time to skip along. It’s time to BRING IT! It’s why I love Beachbody’s tagline.


Deciding is not about just declaring your hatred for debt or your situation. Deciding is about making the decision to take action, and then committing to jumping on the crazy train.

That doesn’t require perfection, but it probably does require you to do more than you are. The more habits and characteristics you decide to compromise on because of your fear of, or unwillingness to make RADICAL DECISIONS, the longer you’ll stay where you are!


The longer you take to accomplish your goal the more likely you are to remain in debt for the remainder of your life. Do you want to be in debt for the rest of your life? I didn’t so radical was an option. Some people criticized how radical we became, but guess what? We’re out of debt! The people who gave me a hard time are still in debt, and I don’t make that statement to rub anyone’s nose in it either — only to make a point.

Debt will attach itself to your life like the barnacles on a pier. It will leech on to you and make you struggle! And when Murphy pays you a visit, he will invite all of his buddies over to party at your expense.

For those of you scratching your head about who the heck Murphy is let me introduce you to him. Murphy says “If it can happen it will.” Dave Ramsey refers to Murphy as any situation that requires you to have money. If it can happen it will, and when you’re not prepared you get to know Murphy personally.

Don’t have an emergency fund? Murphy OWNS YOU. Got debt? His place at your table is secure for much longer. He will drag your family down, ruin your marriage, and laugh all the way to the bank.

That’s not what you want out of life…RIGHT?

Do something radical! If your friends aren’t questioning your sanity, you’re not doing enough!

This article is not about taking shortcuts to get it done faster, it’s about working harder and sacrificing more so YOU CAN MOVE ON! It’s about changing your life so that you can focus on one of the biggest problems you’ll face in your lifetime. It’s about selling stuff! It’s about cutting your budget! It’s about working extra hours! It’s about communication! It’s about your family. It’s about YOUR SECURITY!

There are no shortcuts, only distractions.

You can’t pay off your debt in a month. (If you can then congratulations because you’ve already been BRINGING IT!) Guess what I can’t do? I can’t do P90X in 30 days. It takes 90 days to complete it to see the results I want to see and it will probably take you a little bit of time to pay off your debt. The question is how bad do you want it and what will you do differently to achieve it?

I could be working out 3 days a week for only 20 minutes a workout. I could be stuffing my face. I could remain overweight. BUT I’M NOT!

I don’t have to give 110%. I don’t have to sweat all over my floor. I don’t have to push play. I don’t have to extend the quality of my life. BUT I AM!

What will you do and not do to get out of debt?




About Brad Chaffee

7 Responses to “P90X is Doing for my Body, What the Total Money Makeover Did for my Finances”

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  1. Wade says:

    Hey Brad,

    This is a very inspirational post! It really makes a person want to go out there and cut-back on unnecessary expenses (cable, faster internet, snacks, dining out, etc.) and get out and get into better physical shape. All of these things that you mention are programs designed to accomplish these goals, and that’s the point. Everyone needs financial and health goals and a plan to achieve them.

    Good Post!

    • Brad Chaffee says:

      Thank you Wade! I was definitely feeling inspired myself yesterday after having a great weigh-in and 2 even better workouts. I’m hoping that this post will do as you say and inspire people to do something different and make much bigger sacrifices so they can move on with their life. Debt IS an obstacle! Get it out of the way and your life will improve drastically! I believe that with everything I am. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and I hope you come back soon to continue the discussion. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Keep on rocking and inspiring my friend! A great “kick in the pants” post, love the accountability.
    Keep up the great work…..

  3. Yes, being overweight and in debt seem to be positively correlated for many people. A few people have one under control but not the other, but they seem to go together for most people, since they both reflect living your life for short term pleasure (but long term pain).
    It’s takes time and a lot of hard work to conquer them. I have to salute you for taking on both at once. When I worked two jobs to pay off my debt, I found it that much harder to deal with weight. Both because my second job was delivering pizzas :), and because my exercise time was so limited. Many Saturday afternoons, all I could do was sleep.

  4. kelly says:

    Great pictures! Very inspirational!! Love the change in your arms!
    Since I’m thinking about buying the same program, can you tell me if there are ‘hidden costs’? I would hate to shell out the dough and find that I’m more in the hole than before (other than smaller clothes)? Like additional equipment, big changes in eating habits (increasing grocery bill)?
    Thanks! Keep up the great work on BOTH EOD and EOF!

    • Brad Chaffee says:

      The only equipment you really need is resistance bands or weights. Resistance bands are typically MUCH cheaper and will give you a great workout too. I started with resistance bands and then bought some 15 and 25 pound dumbbells later on. A mat is good to have especially if you will be working out on a slick floor. (You will SWEAT, and you don’t want to break anything during your workout.) Great to hear that you will be trying the same program, it ROCKS! I’d love to hear about your results from start to finish. Make sure you take pictures because they will motivate you as you make progress! Good luck! ๐Ÿ˜€

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