The Enemy of Debt Team Will Continue Educating, Inspiring, and Entertaining You Despite Some Changes

Are you a loyal and dedicated Enemy of Debt reader?

Thank you for sticking with us. Today I’m writing to let you know about some changes to the team and re-assert our commitment to educating, inspiring, and entertaining you on your debt-busting journey.

Let me introduce myself first. I am Maria, and I have owned Enemy of Debt for seven years now, but while I wrote the occasional post for it, I preferred to stay in the background. Enemy of Debt had been the blogging home of Travis for much longer, and there was no reason to refuse him a free reign. I also own The Money Principle, where I teach people in money trouble how to build sustainable wealth. (Okay, I don’t do ‘here is how to become a millionaire in 3.5 seconds’ kind of stuff, but I do take people from debt to financial health and security, covering money management on the way.)

I also authored and published a book setting out a very different and practical approach to debt that underlines the importance of bringing your feeling, learning, and actions in alignment to pay off debt and, more importantly, avoid the yo-yo trap and stay debt-free. The book is called ‘Never Bet on Red: Pay Off Your Debt Fast and Live Debt Free Forever’ and you can find it on Amazon (it is free to read on Kindle Unlimited). I used my learning, reflections, and experience, paying off $160,000 worth of consumer debt to write the book.

(We also have Suzi the Dog – a lovely Blue Merle Border Collie who makes our lives active and interesting.)

Why the long introduction, you may think? Because I can no longer take the back seat on running Enemy of Debt.

Some of you may have noticed that Travis has not been on since the end of April. It is not an oversight, and there is no mystery – Travis deemed it is time for him to look for new adventures.

Am I sad to see him go? You bet I am. Over the years, Travis contributed valuable insight and inspiration to the readers of Enemy of Debt; he was a valued friend and an esteemed writer. But when it is time, it is time. All that is left is my gratitude and best wishes for the future.

Despite this team change, we at Enemy of Debt pledge to stay committed to the creed of the site – to support you and inspire you on your way to debt freedom.

I will do all possible to ensure the publication schedule is maintained and hope we can rely on your continued support.

Put your seatbelts on, EOD Nation, and get ready for an engaging, helpful and inspiring ride!

7 Responses to “The Enemy of Debt Team Will Continue Educating, Inspiring, and Entertaining You Despite Some Changes”

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  1. Beau W. says:

    Please continue to post the Friday Love you like a blogger posts. They are like a traditional thing with your site.

  2. J. Money says:

    Hey old friend!! Glad we’ll be seeing your face here more! 🙂

    I agree with Beau above, and also wanna wish Travis lots of luck in the future as he’s such a great guy both on and off the blog. Thanks for everything you did, T!

  3. Cheri says:

    Love love love Travis debt story and his posts! Will miss them!

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