Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 1/22


Tomorrow is my son’s birthday.  His 17th birthday.  How did that happen?  I’m almost positive that just a few days ago I was standing on a chair putting up Christmas decorations, telling a young toddler to stop hitting the cat with the staple gun.  That really happened (it was empty, just in case you were concerned).   Tonight he’s having all his friends over for a computer gaming party for a dual celebration as one of the other boys in the group shares the same birthday.  This particular friend has a computer, but it’s not the best for gaming.  So, the entire group of about 10 boys each chipped in some money and bought the parts to build him a new computer.  They’re going to build it as a group together tonight and give it to him.   I can’t be prouder of the young man my son has become.

Fist pump for my awesome son…..and of course, my favorite posts of the week.

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4 Responses to “Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 1/22”

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  1. Wow that’s a pretty incredible move by your son and his friends. Most 16 and 17 year-olds do not seem that selfless. Happy Birthday to your son!

  2. Happy Birthday to you son! What a great and thoughtful gift! That’s awesome that the groups of friends chipped in to build a better computer. My son is a big gamer too.We are always upgrading his gaming desktop. I guess you are familiar with Steam? Enjoy the weekend!

  3. Its very cool what your son and his friends have planned. Kids grow up so fast. My baby just turned 30. My oldest, my son would have turned 35 last Nov. Time flies by and life happens. Best to make lots of memories. I am only 57 and already see how time just speeds up which is a reason why I retired early. Enjoy it with family and friends.

  4. It sounds like you have some pretty incredible kids. Thanks for the mention!

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