Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 2/19


My family is going on a trip to Florida for spring break at the end of March.  We’re actually going with some family and friends, and we’re renting a house together for the week.  The payment for the house rental is due, so today I’m writing out a check for what we owe.  Paid in full using funds stashed away in the bank because THAT, my friends, is what is possible when you’re not under the crushing weight of debt.

Fist pump for vacations paid in full, AND my favorite posts of the week

Posts That Make Me Fist Pump

About Travis

2 Responses to “Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 2/19”

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  1. “THAT, my friends, is what is possible when you’re not under the crushing weight of debt.” Amen. I think and say this all the time. Thanks for including me. I know lots of people use the “I deserve it” excuse for spending money, but you and Vonnie really do deserve a great vacation and now you can afford it!

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