Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 2/5


Earlier this week brought the end of January, as well as the conclusion of the first month with a reduced blogging workload.  I have to tell you, I didn’t realize just how much of my time it was taking up until  I was able to back off a little due to the promotion and raise received within my full time career.  I had been redlining for a couple of years, and it feels GREAT to have a couple of evenings each week where I don’t do any blogging at all.  As a result, my stress level has plummeted.

They say money can’t buy happiness, but a larger number at the top of the budget sheet sure makes it easier to enjoy life.

Fist pump for happiness, and for my favorite posts of the week!

Posts That Make Me Fist Pump

About Travis

4 Responses to “Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 2/5”

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  1. I understand about being time crunched. I’m trying to figure out and juggle a schedule with my new full time gig. You can never get your time back. Enjoy the freedom and the last NFL game for awhile.

  2. Great to hear that you are able to back off blogging a bit. I think side hustles are great but it’s always good to focus on your primary income first. Sometimes one promotion can make up a ton of side hustle income. And thanks for mentioning Erin’s post!

    • Travis says:

      I know many people would like blogging to be their primary career, and dream of working for themselves exclusively. I’m not one of those guys – it’s a side hustle, and that’s where it’s gonna stay!

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