Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 7/29

fistpumpYesterday my wife and I took our son on his first college visit to a nearby campus that he is interested in.  He got his first look at what a college campus looks like, including a dorm room.  After the tour, there was a presentation which included a ton of information about the college, including the average cost per year.  I knew college was expensive, and the number wasn’t unexpected, but with my son entering his senior year of high school the reality of it all hit me pretty hard.  Helping our kids through college is going to be a whole new adventure….

I’d better keep reading personal finance blogs to keep my skills sharp!

Posts That Make Me Fist Pump

About Travis

2 Responses to “Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 7/29”

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  1. I don’t even have kids yet and I’m already concerned about college costs! Can you imagine what the cost will be in 20+ years?? Hopefully there are some changes to the system by then, but I’m not optimistic.

    Thanks for sharing Erin’s post!

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