Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 7/31

fistpumpIt’s the end of the month, and the beginning of a new budget cycle.  One of my activities today will be to create our budget worksheet for the next two weeks, and make sure Vonnie and I are on the same page.

As I started thinking about things that need to be included in our spending plan, I remembered that our car currently has a half a tank of gas, and our van is still over a quarter of a tank. There’s NO WAY we’re using all of our usual gas budget this week.  Is it weird that I’m excited about this???

Fist pump for underspending on gas, and keep ’em up for my favorite posts of the week!

Posts That Make Me Fist Pump

Shameless Self-Promotion

About Travis

6 Responses to “Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 7/31”

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  1. Saving money never gets old! Enjoy the weekend!

  2. Thanks for featuring the article Hannah from Unplanned Finance wrote on my blog this week! 🙂 And finally, an easy math problem. 🙂

  3. Thanks for the mention. I don’t blame you one bit for being excited that you won’t need to pump as many dollars into your gas tank. Sadly it is a necessary evil for most.

    • Travis says:

      It’s even better now, Lance…..gas stations are having a price war of sorts in my city. We’re like 60 cents a gallon below the national average at this point!

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