I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 03/06

fistpumpVonnie and I had a little getaway planned for tonight.  We were going to take the afternoon off, and head to the Minneapolis/St Paul metropolitan area and spend the afternoon together, and then go to a Nickelback/The Pretty Reckless concert tonight.  We had our bags packed, and ready to go.  I had my list of trip preparation items that needed to be done this morning ready to rock, when we found out the concert has been postponed due to a family emergency.



I called the hotel to cancel, however their policy is that we would have had to cancel by 4:00pm yesterday.  So, we have three options:

  • Go anyway
  • Change the date to coincide with the rescheduled date
  • Get charged anyway

We’ll obviously be taking one of the first two options.  As I’m sitting here, I’m waiting for a text from my wife with what she wants to do.  I’d rather just reschedule it, and do a date afternoon/evening where we live.  But, we’ll see what the wife has to say.

Can we fist pump crappy hotel cancellation policies?  Seems wrong, but it’s all I got today.

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8 Responses to “I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 03/06”

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  1. I hope you make the best of it anyway. Enjoy the weekend!

    • Travis says:

      We ended up going to the comedy club with the same couple that we were going to the concert with…..stayed in town and still had a great time!

  2. Sorry about the concert- that’s always a bummer. Either way, I hope you guys end up getting a fun night on the town. Thanks for the mention!

  3. I hope that whatever option you settle on, you’ll have a great time on your get-away with Vonnie. I’m thinking #1 sounds good. Your slate will be blank and you’ll be able to choose what to do on the fly. Anyway, all the best!

    • Travis says:

      We decided to just rebook the hotel for the new concert night, Prudence…..if we had more notice we might have been able to plan an evening with other activities. Instead we stayed in town and went to a comedy show….it was hilarious!

  4. Bummer about the concert. I probably would reschedule too. Hopefully you still had a good date night though! Thanks for the mention, too. Glad you liked the post.

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