I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 12/07

We’re a week into December and it’s officially the holiday season.  Vonnie and I are hosting a family get together tomorrow for her side of the family which should prove to be a great time.  I hate to admit this, but I really wish it would snow.  Look, I’m as big of a summertime, warm weather fan as they come but if it’s going to be colder I’d rather there be snow on the ground instead of everything be all brown and dreary.  Even my daughter agrees.  Last night she said, “We’ll probably have another dirt Christmas.”  She does have a bit of a melodramatic flair about her.  There’s just something about it being cold and wintery outside, being stuck inside in the comfort of my own home with the fireplace on, and reading some really good posts by my favorite writers like the ones below:

Favorite Posts:

Shameless Self Promotion:

The Trophy Wall is my post this week in the CareOne Community


Do any of you have snow on the ground already?  Can you send some my way, please?

About Travis

6 Responses to “I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 12/07”

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  1. Thanks for including my post Travis!

  2. Thanks for including me 🙂

    • Travis says:

      Loved the article, Suzanne! It had me singing “Do You Believe in Magic” in my head all weekend long….and I’m a hard rock fan so that’s sayin’ something! LOL.

  3. Thanks Travis. Nice collection of posts. Happy to be a part of it.

    • Travis says:

      You’re welcome, and thanks for the great post Albie! My wife falls into the “self-gifting” trap almost every season. We’re planning to do a big chunk of our shopping next weekend for the kids and she mentioned going to a certain department store that is having a sale. Of course, none of the things on the kids’ lists are at that store. Gotta keep that urge to buy yourself stuff in check! 🙂

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