I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 1/4

Happy New Year!  I had to say it, since this is my first opportunity to love anyone like a blogger in 2013.   There’s snow on the ground, and my family and I did some sledding over the last few weeks.  Soon the novelty of Winter will wear off, and we’ll be looking  forward to warmer weather.  The good news is we’ve passed the Winter Solstice and the days are again getting longer.  It’s practically Spring, right?  They say people in the Midwest live longer because we’re always optimistic and looking forward to the next season.  Always having something to look forward to apparently is good for your well-being.

Which is exactly why I do these roundup posts every Friday – to give you something to look forward to.   Hey, reading Enemy of Debt will make you live longer.

Who knew?

Favorite Posts:

Special Feature:

This next post is so cool that I just had to give it a special shout out.  My friends over at CareOne Debt Relief Services were a sponsor of the NCAA Military Bowl last week.  In a special ceremony, CareOne’s founder Bernie Dancel presented a check to Military Serviceman Staff Sergeant Andrew Landis paying off the remainder of his family’s debt!

How cool is that?!?!  Check out the video -it’s only two and a half minutes long, and is very inspirational.

Here’s a link to a video of the actual ceremony:  CareOne Services, Inc. Pays Off Debt for One Special Serviceman Video


Shameless Self-Promotion


Kick Ass Giveaways:


Enjoy the first weekend of 2013, and check back Monday morning for a brand new post!


About Travis

10 Responses to “I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 1/4”

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  1. Hey Travis! That settles it I am moving to the Midwest…lol
    Thanks for the shout out on CareOne’s participation in the Military Bowl–I am proud to work for a company that truly cares about people, and this is an excellent example 🙂

    • Travis says:

      Anytime I see references to CareOne in “real life” I feel an enormous amount of pride to be their customer, and one of their customer bloggers. You are one of the “good guys” in the debt relief industry – keep changing lives. 🙂

      Oh, and the Midwest would welcome you, Suzanne – as long as you don’t become a Packers fan. LOL.

  2. Great list of posts! I have read Effective Budgeting Strategies for the Over-40 Crowd from My Personal Finance Journey. I will be checking the other articles on your list within the weekend. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great reads. I saw the CareOne ceremony and it was touching. It shows that there are some companies that actually care. This probably changed his life. We should always support our service men and women.

  4. thanks for the mention!! Sledding sounds awesome!

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