I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 3/13

fistpumpIt doesn’t seem that long ago that I was riding my bike to clock in at my first job at a Snyder Drug.  This week my son landed his first job at a grocery store.   The store is part of a national chain, therefore puts it in the “large employer” category as far as the great state of Minnesota is concerned requiring it to pay a minimum wage of $8.00 per hour.  My son and I had talked about this previously, as he had been curious as to how much he would expect to earn once he found his first job.

Now imagine his surprise when his new employer informed him he would be paid $9.75 per hour.  Not bad at all.   This opens the door for all kinds of new opportunities to teach my son about responsible money management, and maybe even a blog post or 20.  🙂

Definitely something to fist pump about, right?

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12 Responses to “I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 3/13”

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  1. First job- woohoo! Mine was babysitting and summer camp counseling.

    • Travis says:

      He’s done some other things like babysitting, dog poo pickup, etc…but this is his first “I’m on a schedule, and get a regular paycheck” kind of job. He starts next week! Thanks for stopping by, Stefanie!

  2. I’m dating myself but I remember my first job making $5/hr. I worked at our church and rode my bike there all of the time. The job wasn’t that fun, but having money to spend certainly was!

    Thanks for sharing the great posts!

  3. Congrats to your son on his first job and even better on the higher pay – my first job was at a grocery store. Thanks much for the mention Travis, I appreciate it!

    • Travis says:

      He’ll be working in the produce section, so that ‘ll be interesting to see if he gets moved around, or if he really will be dealing with fruits and vegetables all day. thanks for stopping by, John!

  4. Jackie says:

    That’s awesome about your son’s first job! And the pay is great too for that 🙂

  5. Our oldest started a job winter of 2013 working with a company that provides reindeer showings and sleigh rides. It changes their life when they get the full grasp of the joys of earning their own cash. Congrats to your son!

  6. Congrats to your son on landing his first job! Nice starting wage. Now the really teaching begins. 🙂

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