I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 8/5

fistpumpAfter visiting a handful of college campuses, my son selected his first choice.  My wife and I helped him fill out, and submit his college application.  I told him my wish was for him to graduate from college and start his adult life debt free.  Even if  that means taking out student loans but my wife and I paying them back for him,  starting his life with a clean slate is something that I really want for him.  Something tells me there’s going to be a lot of articles here on EOD about student loans and saving money while in college in the next few years.  Did you graduate from college debt free?  Did your parents help you financially while in college?

Fist pump for my favorite posts of the week, AND college applications!

Posts That Make Me Fist Pump

About Travis

4 Responses to “I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 8/5”

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  1. I’m with you Travis, having two children getting ready for college, my hope is to help them make great choices over the next few years. Exciting and scary all at the same time. Good luck to your son!

    • Travis says:

      Thanks, Brian…we got his acceptance letter a few weeks later. Having him start his senior year in high school knowing where he’s going to college feels like we’re ahead of the game a bit. I hope we can stay on track getting things done to make sure he’s ready!

  2. ESI Money says:

    My parents didn’t help me out but we are certainly helping our kids.

    Each generation builds upon the last…

    • Travis says:

      Exactly, ESI…….my son has at least one friend that will be handling college costs all on their own. I’m sure it will be a good financial learning experience, but I hope they can find a way to minimize their student loan debt.

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