Sunday Afternoon #LaundryBliss With Purex Laundry Detergent



Laundry was on my mind as I was running errands last Sunday morning, because I knew I was out of laundry detergent. I stopped by Target just as they unlocked the doors, and surveyed the laundry detergent aisle for the best deal. I found a bottle of Purex laundry detergent boasting 10% more product than usual, advertising the potential of washing 90 loads for a cost of $7.99.

That’s less than 9 cents per load!

As I was standing in the checkout lane, anxious to get started with the day’s work, I thought about how I could have purchased my Purex Laundry detergent online. I could have picked it up at my convenience, potentially saving me some time. #CollectiveBias


The work week is a whirlwind of busy between work, playing taxi for various kid activities, trying to get to the gym and just keeping the house generally running smoothly. For that exact reason I dedicate time on the weekend to make sure that I’m as prepared for the upcoming week as possible. Before I go to bed Sunday night, I have the following tasks complete so that they don’t need to be done during the week:

  • Meals planned and groceries purchased
  • Dishes washed and placed back in the cupboards
  • Laundry done and put away

When I got home, I dove into the last item on my list. I rounded up the family’s laundry, sorted it, and began the process of conquering the week’s mountain of laundry. I knew the situation was critical when I heard my twelve year old daughter proclaim from her room, “DAAAAAD, I have nothing to wear!”


I worked at a dizzying pace transferring loads from the washer to the dryer, and then reloading the washer; each load getting a cap full of Purex Crystals fabric softener to leave our clean laundry soft to the touch, and smelling fresh and clean. Each dried load was brought to the spare bedroom for folding and sorting into one of three baskets, one for my son, one for my daughter, and one for my wife and I.

When the last load was complete about mid-afternoon, the baskets were delivered to the appropriate bedroom. My daughter’s eyes lit up as she jumped right into putting her laundry away and laying out the outfits she wanted to wear each day for the week.

I think she may have picked up some of my desire to plan ahead.


Now that the rest of the family was happily putting away their clean laundry, I could sit down in a state of #LaundryBliss and enjoy hours upon hours doing what Sunday afternoons in Fall are meant for: watching football!

When do you do your family’s laundry?  What is your idea of laundry bliss?

About Travis

14 Responses to “Sunday Afternoon #LaundryBliss With Purex Laundry Detergent”

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  1. Ha! You sound exactly like me. Granted I don’t have kids to drive around but I use Sundays to get me ready for the week. That includes grocery shopping, cooking a few meals for the week so when time is tight we can just throw something in the microwave, and getting the laundry done. I don’t know why I use Sundays this way. My Mom would do laundry on Saturdays and grocery shop Friday nights. Oh well, it works for me and that is what matters!

    • Travis says:

      I like to do a little extra cooking on the weekends too, Jon – Having some great food ready to go for lunches during the week is a huge time (and money) saver! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I just have to worry about my own laundry since I live alone, but irregardless I like to do laundry once/week so I never have to worry about running out of any essential clothing items. Doing my laundry on a regular basis has also made me realize how many clothes I have that I’m not wearing. I need to get rid of some for sure!

    • Travis says:

      True story, Kayla….when you start putting your week’s worth of laundry away and realize your closet is full before you even start putting your clothes away, it’s a good sign you have a lot of stuff you don’t wear. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Sassy Mamaw says:

    It’s just the two of us at home, but my hubby works Sunday evenings, so it is the ideal time for me to catch up my laundry and housework, and set out my clothes for the next week. I usually spend some time looking over my budget as well.

  4. Emily says:

    Laundry day is on Sundays here too! I typically fold while watching the games. I love the great pricing Target offers on all of the Purex products – and they work so well, too! It’s an all around win! (Now, if only my team could win all the time!) #client

    • Travis says:

      LOL, I wish my team could win even some of the time, Emily – it’s been a tough season to be a Minnesota Vikings fan. 😉 The price Target offers on the Purex products is pretty amazing – less than 9 cents per load! I love the crystals too – the scent has taken over the level of our home where we do laundry, constantly smelling like fresh and clean laundry!

  5. My idea of laundry bliss is someone else doing it! Unfortunately, I don’t really know what that feels like =(

  6. I’m not going to let my daughters read this post. They have to do their own laundry : )

  7. My mom started making me wash my own clothes when I was 11. My friends didn’t like coming over to my house because my mom would teach them how to wash their clothes and then asked their moms if they knew how to wash their own clothes. I had some angry friends for awhile lol.

    • Travis says:

      LOL, that’s too funny, John…I really need to get my kids on the road to doing their own laundry. They’re certainly old enough to do so. Thanks for sharing your story!

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