Switching to Frugal Theme This Weekend

Hello debt haters! I just wanted to let you know that this weekend my site is going to be going through some changes. At times when you visit, it may appear as though my wife and I had a money fight on Enemy of Debt. Things will sometimes be scattered and possibly even broken, for hopefully very short periods of time, as I work to put EOD back together again.

I hope to have everything at least back to normal by Monday. In the next few weeks I will be testing different ideas that I have had over the two years I have been blogging but never had a chance to implement. Frugal theme is going to save me lots of time, so I hope that gives me more time to make EOD even better, as well as more user-friendly.

Please be patient as this will eventually be for your benefit. I want your visit to EOD to be worthwhile.

Thank you!

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About Brad Chaffee

8 Responses to “Switching to Frugal Theme This Weekend”

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  1. Rock on! Frugal Theme is fantastic, my man. I look forward to seeing the finished product.

  2. Good luck — Change is good! =)

  3. Young Mogul says:

    Great! I love your blog

  4. Donna says:

    I have loved what you have done so far so I do not see why I would not like change! Can’t wait to see what you come up with! God bless.

  5. Good luck — and bring out the new theme!

  6. Mike Piper says:

    I definitely like the new look!

    Sorry we weren’t able to get Thesis working exactly as you would have liked. Despite how much I like thesis, there’s no doubt I’d like it several times more if I was fluent in php. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Brad Chaffee says:

      Oh no problem Mike and I definitely appreciate all the help man!

      I thought Thesis was a very good theme, but I suppose it was even better for those that understand code a little bit more. I know enough to get by, but I was looking for a way to take EOD to the next level and Frugal Theme is definitely going to help me do that. I still have lots in store for EOD plus I already use that theme for the new site I am working on. Once I saw just how easy it was to make BIG changes, I was hooked. ๐Ÿ˜€

      Frugal is definitely the perfect theme for those of us who would rather not worry about all the coding. The best part is that I am supporting a developer that lives in my town and even knows my wife’s dad. Small world.

      I am really liking it too, thanks Mike! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I just switched from Thesis to Frugal Theme as well – pretty much for the same reasons – I could learn how to code in php and css – but choose to use my time in other ways – that’s why I bought Thesis last year – and unfortunately even the current version hasn’t lived up their “user friendly” claims – while Frugal does!

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