4 Lines Of Defense Against Impulsively Buying Neon Green Compression Tights

EOD_ImpulsebuyI was at Target picking up some last minute school supplies when I shockingly found myself walking through the men’s athletic wear section. Some black and neon green running compression tights caught my eye. I have a blue pair of the same kind and like how they look and fit. My mind envisioned how they would look together with a shirt I already owned of a very similar color.

I had talked myself into buying them. Into the cart they went.

I’m a conservative dresser, going with mainly darker colors and things that don’t attract a lot of attention. But when it comes running gear, the bolder and brighter the better. The dresser drawer that holds my running attire looks like a rainbow and could quite possibly glow in the dark. My current running shoes are florescent yellow.

When I saw the bright green compression tights at Target, my impulse purchase trigger fired.

We all have triggers that will break down every wall of defense we have against impulse buying and overspending. For some it’s stress, a need to feel in control, and for others it’s something that they feel very passionate about. For me, it’s anything running gear or BBQ related. Drop me in the middle of the grill section at Ace Hardware and I’m ready to fill a cart.

Having the occasional impulse to buy something is just part of walking the earth. But how can we learn to control that impulse and avoid the regret of an unplanned purchase?

Use Cash Only

We had a budget for school supplies, but didn’t take the time to go to the ATM and have cash in hand. If I had cash in my wallet, I wouldn’t have had enough to make my impulse purchase. In this case, we were paying with our debit card, so I wouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of the $20 overage until later.

This seems to be a re-occurring event. One would think I would eventually learn that if I want to be successful with managing my spending, I need to make the time to get cash.

Have a Note in Your Purse or Wallet

I once had a note in my wallet reminding me to stick to my list. The tape wore out and the note fell off. Looks like I could benefit from putting it back in. Seeing the words “Stick To The List!” have helped me fend off that feeling to buy something on the spur of the moment more than once!

Waiting Period Before Buying

This is a common method, if you see something you want to buy, wait 24 hours and then reassess. Sometimes the trigger to impulse by will override this, however. We all need multiple backup lines of defense.

Waiting Period AFTER Buying

When an impulse purchase is made, there are usually already hints of regret by the time you get home.  Lay the object out in the open with the tags still attached and the receipt in plain view. Do NOT use the object.  Reassess the next day and see how you feel about keeping the purchase and return if the feelings of regret are high, or if you’ve realized that the money could be put to better use.

We all get hit by the desire to buy something impulsively. With multiple lines of defense implemented, you can help keep your wallet safe from purchases that threaten to bust your budget.

How do you keep yourself from making unwanted purchases? How often do your methods fail?

About Travis

6 Responses to “4 Lines Of Defense Against Impulsively Buying Neon Green Compression Tights”

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  1. I try to just ask myself how much I’ll use it. If it’s something like yours, where it’s a multiple of something already owned, I ask myself how often I find myself in need of another one. If it’s rarely, I try to put it down. But if I can think of several times where I could really have used it, then I’ll probably buy it.

    • Travis says:

      I’m sure I’ll use it….but I’ll now favor it’s use over one that I already own. We all have that ability to talk ourselves into pretty much anything – but we need to be honest about whether we really NEED it!

  2. I do okay at avoiding impulse buys because I rarely go shopping. I actually *need* clothes but never make time to go out and get anything. I have $300 budgeted to buy us some new outfits for FinCon and haven’t even spent any of it.

  3. Sassy Mamaw says:

    I have pretty good success with the “waiting period after buying” method. I don’t make a lot of impulse purchases, so when I do, I hang onto the receipt for a few days, just in case. I have actually had two occasions in the past few weeks where I have returned items a couple of days later.

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