Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 10/26

A couple of weeks ago I fist pumped for my kids being financially responsible as they both paid for the privilege of having a car using paychecks from their part-time job. Today they both received paychecks again, and I noticed they are each accumulating quite a healthy bank account balance. I started to wonder if  I should have them take on a larger financial responsibility as what they currently pay is only a portion of their car payment and insurance. In the end I decided against it in favor of letting them grow their accounts, saving for emergencies or special purchases. They’re working hard, taking care of their responsibilities and saving for the future – it’s great to have them feel responsible AND enjoy the success of their hard work!

Fist pump again for my kids! Here’s your weekend financial motivation!

Posts That Make Me Fist Pump

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