Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 12/20

Happy Fist Pump Friday!  OK, I’m a little late this weekend, but I wanted to check in with the EOD Nation because there’s been some exciting financial developments recently.

Medical Bills

In September of 2019 I tore the Achilles Tendon in my right foot and had to have surgery to repair it. Both my wife and daughter also incurred significant medical bills late 2019, and early 2020. I worked with the medical provider to be put on a payment plan to a.) maximize the amount of pre-tax HSA funds I could use to pay the bills b.) minimize the impact to the monthly budget.  With December’s middle of the month paycheck, and contribution to our HSA, we were able to make our final payment to our medical bills.  Our account at our medical provider now has a balance of ZERO!  That means we can now begin to build up our HSA for future needs, AND we get a significant chunk of money added back into our monthly budget!

Salary Increase

I was presented with an unexpected salary increase. Getting a raise is always a good thing, but it’s spectacular this time of year.

Switching Cable and Internet Providers

As I discussed in a post earlier this month, we are saving over $80 a month after switching our cable and internet provider.

Financial Swizzling

We were able to consolidate some credit accounts which not only put the debt on a finite payment plan, but also reduced our monthly payments.

With these developments, our monthly budget looks significantly different. I feel humbled and blessed that we’re in this position given the tough economic conditions right now due to the pandemic.

Fist pump for positive financial changes, and my favorite posts of the week!

Posts That Make Me Fist Pump

About Travis

2 Responses to “Fist Pump Friday: I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 12/20”

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  1. Kris says:

    Hi Travis! I’m curious about this:
    We were able to consolidate some credit accounts which not only put the debt on a finite payment plan, but also reduced our monthly payments

    Did you use a peer lender or some other sort of consolidation loan? I would love to have a future article on this – how to know if you are getting a good deal doing a consolidation of sorts. I know most places charge up front for the money, and then there are the interest rates.

    • Travis says:

      Hey Kris, we did a consolidation loan. While the interest rate isn’t spectacular, it’s light years better than a credit card. There was no “upfront” fee. The payment is lower, AND we have the peace of mind knowing it’ll be gone in 4 years.

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