I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 07/12

As a software engineer, I have to come up with innovative ways to solve problems in the code that I write.  Sometimes that creativity leads  to patent applications.  One of the perks of my job is that my employer gives us a monetary award for each idea that is deemed worthy of a patent application by the legal team.   In the last month I’ve had two such ideas marked as requiring a patent application, which will result in a nice bump in funds in an upcoming paycheck.    Within the personal finance circles there’s a lot of talk about unexpected expenses and having an emergency fund in place to handle them.  It’s nice to an unexpected income for once!

Oh yeah, I suppose you’re looking for some links.  I aim to please, so let’s get to it.

Posts That Make Me Fist Pump

Shameless Self Promotion

Have a fantastic weekend!

About Travis

6 Responses to “I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 07/12”

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  1. Catherine says:

    Thanks so much Travis and congrats on the fat paycheque 🙂

  2. Good for you, Travis, for the bonuses! Have a great weekend. 🙂

  3. Erastus says:

    Hold on it and get those bonuses. Enjoy your weekend.

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