Thanks for visiting! Right now I am in the process of making Enemy of Debt a better resource for your debt free journey. Please check out the links below and come back soon to see updates to this page. Thank you for your patience and understanding while I piece things together. 😀

A Message To You…

Why is Debt the Enemy?

The Challenges You Face

Why Do You Want To Be Debt Free?

Coming Soon: Changing your Behavior to Become Debt Free

12 Steps to Debt Freedom

Complete the Dream Budget

Complete the Zero-Based Budget

My Debt Free Manifesto

A Work in Progress…

I have lots to say…

5 Responses to “Getting Started”

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  1. Michelle says:

    I need to complete the zero- basaed budget, but I can’t put my numbers in to make my personalized budget. Help!

    • Brad Chaffee says:

      What exactly is keeping you from doing so. If you’re using my budget forms you should be able to put this information in as long as you have MS Excel. Let me know and I may be able to offer more assistance.

  2. Sean H says:

    This has been very helpful!! The zero based budget was a great tool.

  3. Kathy says:

    I am using Open Office to read the spreadsheet, and it says Read Only. How do I change that?

    • Brad Chaffee says:

      It should be compatible with Open Office. I know for MS Office you have to save the document to exit read-only. Try that and let me know if it works.

      You should have full access. I did not protect or block access to anything. 😀

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