Save Money On Prescription Medication using GoodRx

A doctor’s visit resulting in a prescription being written usually concludes with the question, “ What pharmacy would you like this sent to?” Instead of immediately answering with your favorite pharmacy name, you should instead be asking the question, “What drug is being prescribed?” Like any other purchase, you should shop around for the best price for your prescription medication.

The GoodRx ap on your mobile device is an easy and free way to to find the best prescription drug prices in your area.

How It Works

With the GoodRx ap installed on your mobile device, enter the name of the drug prescribed by your doctor. Using your current location, the GoodRx ap will display the price of your prescription at  nearby pharmacies.

90 Day Supply Savings

Occasionally, pharmacies give a significant discount per dose if a 90 day supply is purchased. With the click of just a few buttons, the GoodRx ap will display the cost of a 90 day supply of the medication entered.


The price quoted for a specific pharmacy may be due to a coupon available through the GoodRx ap. If true, there will be a “Get Coupon” button which when pressed, will display all the information you need to give the pharmacist to get the discounted price.

Pet Medication

GoodRx also works for medication for your pets. If your veterinarian prescribes medication for your pet, use the GoodRx Ap to find the very best price for your furbaby’s medidication!

Prescription drugs can be a significant financial strain on a person’s budget. Having tools like the GoodRx ap can help you get the very best price on your medication, and it’s completely free!

How about you, EOD Nation, have you ever shopped around for the best price on prescription medication?

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